A downloadable game

Hi, this is the first game I've made in Godot Engine.

This is more of a school's project than a personal project, so I probably won't  update the game in the future.

But for now, let me talk a bit about the game:

How I got the idea:

I got the idea after I decided to completely stop using Game Maker Studio. When I was looking for a new engine to learn, I discovered Godot Engine. After watching some tutorials, especially from Heartbeast, I decide to take a risk and make a game for my school's project.

What it is about:

This is a simple platformer 2D game that basically consists in jumping from one platform to another and killing enemies for score. The objective of the game is to reach the final level and get the artifact.


Wait, it has a story? Yes my friend, a simple and maybe a little mushy, but It's a little demonstration of the kind of story I would like to make. And who knows? With a bit of practice, maybe I will.

But let's get to the story:

In a far away kingdom a catastrophe occurred, monsters were born from the ashes and the mist. King Herald reunited his advisers and his army captain looking for a solution. They talked with the kingdom's mage and alchemist, and with a powerful spell he sensed a scary and gigantic source of magic comming from the Jungle of Madness. Everyone that lived there before the invasion reported a sudden change in gravity and a lot of creepy creatures that made anyone that look at them go crazy. So after a couple of months they decided to send Hank to the jungle, a skillful and powerful knight that lost his sight in the first invasion. Now Hank has to pass through the jungle and destroy the source of magic the sorcerer sensed.


  • A - To move left
  • D - To move rigth
  • Spacebar - To jump
  • Left Mouse Button - To attack
  • E - To interact
  • F - To heal (use potions)
  • ESC - To go to the pause menu


The game was made on Godot Engine V.3.2

A lot of images were edited on Adobe Photoshop CC 2020

I made a little alterations on audio with Audacity

The design of the UI, levels and screens were all made by me but, at the same time, they weren't. What do I mean by this? If you use Itch.io very often you may have recognized some of the elements of the game. This is because all of the sprites, tiles and icons were made by other people, but I still created everything using these resources. The Icon of the game was made by me on Photoshop, I know it looks bad but I'm genuinely a terrible designer, so I think I did the best I could with what I know.

Possible bugs:

The 2nd level may have little to a lot of visual glitches, I researched for days and I've yet to find the solution.

Every time you retry the level the score resets, that's intentional. But if, for some reason, the Potions and HP don't reset to the same value as you start that level, that's a bug. Please tell me and I'll fix it.

Sometimes when you Quit the Game when not in the Titlescreen, that is in-game,  you return to Titlescreen and that's intentional, but if then you Play the Game and the screen freezes in a black screen try to press ESC and then ESC again.

When you die for fall damage and Retry the enemies may not be able to inflict any damage to you. If that happens Quit The Game completely and open the game again. So try not to fall. Well I guess that's not a thing I need to remind you.

If for some reason the controllable character freezes, Pause the game and Retry to unfreeze.

Possible changes:

This depends on feedback. If I get good feedback I will be more motivated  to make this changes in the future:

  • Ranged attacks for the contrallable character (Bow and spells)
  • More diversity of enemies (I have more sprites)
  • More diversity of player movement (Add double jump; wall slide; edge grab and climb -I already tried to do this one; crounch to dodge range attacks; more attack animations on the ground; use items animation; swimming; etc)
  • Enemies Wander
  • Procedural Fog
  • Little changes in dialogue (Zoom in conversation; "typing" sound effect; make King give potions)
  • Add Visual Effects
  • A More thematic UI and improvements on functionality
  • Better and more dynamic audio effects
  • A more visually apealling artifact
  • A better Endscreen
  • Pickable Upgrades (Upgrades on movement speed, attack speed, damage and HP: add armor; add spellbook - Enables fire spell)
  • Fixes on collisions
  • Hopefully, improvements on performance




The Unseen Courage.zip 114 MB

Install instructions

1. Download Zip File

2. Open file and drag both files anywhere in your PC

3. Execute .exe file

4. Have Fun :)


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the artwork is very nice! I'm gonna give it a try!